
My name is Jack Moren, I am currently a freshman enrolled at the University of Kansas, majoring in Computer Engineering. I'm a highly driven, and self motivated student. I have a passion for all things technology, and wish to further immerse myself in the field.

Areas of Experince

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Flagship Projects

  • batt-img-1

    Portable Phone Charging Device

    Portable battery pack for my phone

  • finished-gameboy


    A portable device for playing games

  • mewsic logo


    A program that writes music

  • tic-tac-toe

    Tic Tac Toe

    A tic tac toe game I made for my java class

  • poemgen

    Poem Generator

    Markov Chain Poem Generator

  • koopa

    Koopa Krash

    Elastic and inelastic collision simulator I made for my AP physics teacher.

  • vid-thumb


    Uses image processing to automatically blur license plates and unrecognized faces for privacy reasons.

  • pyper-thumb

    Project Pyper

    A chatbot to suppliment busy suicide lifelines